Monday, November 1, 2010

G-tube Site Update

Chloe visited her pediatrician today and he removed the stitch from her closed g-tube site. It was buried under scab so it wasn't very pleasant for her, but now it's done and if the stitch was causing some of the irritation, hopefully that'll resolve now. She's also started an antibiotic because her doc thinks she has a superficial infection. We expect the redness to clear up in a few days with the antibiotic, but we marked where the redness is so we can tell if it spreads. I'll obviously be watching her closely. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers. I think she's going to be just fine. :)


  1. Hopefully it will heal up nicely now!

  2. Glad the supergirl is doing fine.And yes,I think she will plow right through this little bump in the road.

  3. You might have to push play, then push pause, and let the video load. Sometimes it takes a while to load!
