Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Random Post

Chloe's version of a yogurt facial!

Here's what Chloe does when mommy is on the computer! Nothing like shredding a paper towel to keep you busy!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

She Stood Up!!!!

Wish I had a photo or video, but words will have to do. We were at my mom's waiting out a storm when Chloe got up in her bear crawl position and then pushed up to stand!!!!! I screamed with excitement, at which point she plopped down on her bottom and crawled away! LOL She spent the rest of the night practicing pulling up to stand on furniture and letting go for brief moments. It was so very exciting!!! I think she really wants to stand. She's also started walking while we hold her 2 hands. This is another HUGE accomplishment. It just amazes me how much progress she has continued to make lately. Go Chloe. Our little kiddos with Ds just work so hard that when they reach their (OUR) goals it is so very exciting. (As I sit here typing I can hear 9-year-old big brother Xander "working" with her to stand. So cute. Ut oh, now he's doing the wheel barrow with her. Maybe it's time I intervene!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Belated Birthday Wishes

Sadie and mommy in the very spot where she was bor 5 years ago!!!

Five years ago this past Wednesday I gave birth to my middle baby, Sadie. It was an absolute dream-filled day, from the breaking of my water and first contraction, to the cutting of her cord, all while surrounded by family in the comforts of my own home. Her birthday was a little bittersweet as we pack up the house and say good-bye to an amazing chapter in our lives. A chapter that has included the miraculous in-home water birth of my daughter. Of my three kids, that was my only homebirth and for that birth it was the perfect place to be. We will always cherish our memories.
Above are some pics and below a video from last Wednesday as we celebrated our very special day!

Back up and Running

Chloe enjoying a bottle with her sister Sadie. Notice she is HOLDING IT HERSELF!!!!! :)

Well, I did end up losing everything on my computer, so now I'm in the process of trying to recreate everything. What a drag. In the meantime, Chloe continues to do GREAT. I've got some updating to do, but I don't have time right now, so I thought I'd just post a pic until I get a chance to do some updating.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Computer Crash! :(

BAD NEWS! My computer crashed. So I'm posting on my hubs work computer while I have a chance. So that means I won't be posting pics and videos for awhile and maybe not even regular posts until we get this resolved. I've only had the computer for less than a year!!!! boo hoo! WISH ME LUCK that I haven't lost everything on it, especially my pics. I hadn't backed them up yet. I still have them on my memory cards, but who knows where they are!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Dinner Together

Mommy and her kids! Chloe, Xander and Sadie

Chloe loving life!!

Xander, Amy, Penny (AKA Nana) and Sadie

Stacey and Amy (a RARE picture by themselves!)

Sadie with Stacey (daddy) and Amy (mommy)

Oops. Forgot to mention. . .

Don't ask me how, but SOME HOW I forgot to mention the most important part of our doctor visit with the endocrinologist. No, not her lab results. And no, not the way the intern asked in her pensive voice if we had seen the cardiologist recently after listening to Chloe's heart (DON'T do that to me lady!). No, not that we don't have to come back for a whole other 7 months! The most important thing that I forgot to mention was the way Chloe captivated the ENTIRE packed waiting room while we waited for our appointment.

As we sat in the perfectly quiet waiting room Chloe began to "speak" and wave her hands the way many children with Down syndrome seem to do. I don't know what it is, but I see so many characteristics in her movements that I have seen in so many other children with Down syndrome. That FACINATES me. Truly. What is it about that one extra chromosome that causes things like movement to be so similar. Have I mentioned I'm an early interventionist? So yes, these things particularly facinate me. Anyway, there I was, sitting in this QUIET room thinking to myself, "oh, not now Chloe". I didn't WANT everyone looking at us and smiling. At this age we rarely get weird glances. More adoring smiles. I just wasn't in the mood to be a part of what was about to become the center of attention. Then the magic happens and I don't know what it is exactly, but Chloe had not only me smiling away and forgetting about my worries (stupid selfish worries), but even the woman sitting across from me with the type of scowl that left lines in her face. I mean how can you NOT join in when you see that kind of innocence and pure joy just sitting there in front of you talking jibberish to everyone there and laughing at her own silliness. I defy you to resist it.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Follow-up Endocrine Appointment

"Hi Chloe". This is one of Chloe's favorite places to be when we're in the kitchen and she's gated OUT! She stands at the gate, talks to us and waves. What a cutie pie.
Chloe had her endocrine appointment today and a fairly harmless blood draw (she didn't like it, but it was quick and she only cried for a couple of seconds! Go Chloe!). She looks great so now we just wait for her bloodwork to determine if we keep her synthroid dose the same or change it. Pretty boring stuff. We'll take boring.
Time to wake the princess.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July

Chloe watching and enjoying fireworks with her daddy. Sorry the picture quality is so poor.