I had an interesting interaction recently. I sat and talked with a woman who wanted to
know how “bad” was Chloe’s Down syndrome (i.e., how high or low functioning she
is). She also talked to me about her “retarded
Uncle, not Down syndrome retarded, but regular retarded” (yes, those were her
exact words). I know I probably should
have used that as a teaching moment about political correct terminology, but I
instead just focused on trying to educate her on how wonderfully lucky and
blessed we were to have such a wonderful child.
But I also made it clear she’s not some stereotype of what people think
Down syndrome is. She’s an individual
with individual likes, desires, dislikes. . . she’s happy and charming, but
also a real live pain in the ass. She
brightens our LIVES, but also challenges us like any other child. As EVERYONE who has a child with Ds knows,
she’s more alike than different. So I
may not have “schooled” her on the correct terminology, but I think I did
educate her a little on life with a very special girl who just happens to have
Down syndrome.
As always, thanks for reading and sharing with us as we
navigate our way through this amazing journey!