Well, it’s sort of a Thanksgiving post. I’m not going to go through all the things
I’m thankful for because that list would be endless. Instead I’ll just update on the goings on in
the ol’ household.
As always I’m impressed by Chloe’s strength. Although she is currently lying on the couch
with a stomach bug, I know she will fight this off like any other healthy kid
would (in such sharp contrast to her first few years!) I can’t say it enough, I am just amazed at
how far she’s come! UPDATE: she was up
and off the couch in a matter of hours as if NOTHING had happened!!!!)
Chloe was recently “diagnosed” with dysarthria of speech (basically low muscle tone of her
speech mechanisms, including her tongue and face) and secondary apraxia of
speech which is a motor planning problem.
Because of her need for intensive speech therapies, her school has
increased her to full days. It’s
surprisingly hard to send my “baby” off to full days, particularly since she’s
having a little tough time with the adjustment, but I think once she settles
in, it will be the right choice.
The glasses continue to be a bit of a challenge, although
she is wearing them for longer periods of time.
I still think I want to get her a different pair. . .
just have to figure out how and when to get that accomplished. In due time ;)
And then there’s Sadie.
Still having occasional hives.
Saw the doc and he sent us for blood work, which she was VERY BRAVE for,
but we’re still waiting for the results.
Hopefully soon. It’s been awhile,
so obviously they’re all negative, because no news is good news when it comes
to lab work. Doc said we will likely
never know what’s causing them and it could take months for them to go away,
but they should. . . eventually. UPDATE:
all labs were normal J
As for Xander, his 11 viles of blood work basically came
back all good except for one test for his thyroid, which MIGHT indicate that he
has hypothyroidism. Now another test
came back normal, contradicting the other test, and indicating the need for
further investigation (and yes, you got it, more blood work). I’m again waiting to talk to the pedi before
telling Xander the results. I have my
fingers and toes crossed that this is our answer and that a simple thyroid
replacement hormone pill would help “fix” him.
It DOES really fit his symptoms, so I’m hoping there might be a light at
the end of the tunnel.
And as if things weren’t interesting enough, our poor
poocher is itchy all over and just can’t seem to get relief. We’ve been trying non-soap baths, and Zyrtec,
but I just don’t think he’s getting enough relief. I think it might be time to get his thyroid
checked too (he’s overweight, always cold, lies around and isn’t as active as
his breed typically is and he itches).
Can you imagine if he’s got an underactive thyroid too!!! LOL We seem like a big mess, don’t we.
Stacey and I are hangin’ strong. I’m going to get my thyroid checked soon too
because I’ve had symptoms again. Hoping
that’s my quick easy answer. Stacey,
KNOCK ON WOOD, has been healthy! And mom
is doing well too – helping to keep us all held together!
so, in end, Thanksgiving is a time when we realized despite
these little hiccups in our lives we truly have sooooo much to be thankful
for! And I truly mean sooooooo
much! We were a little sad without our
old traditional large extended family thanksgiving dinner, but made the most of
our “new normal” with just ourselves.
The kids helped cook and we just enjoyed a day of our family. Sometimes it’s important to do that. I hope you and yours had a nice holiday and
find yourselves with some sort of peace.
As the craziness of the season takes over, let’s all not forget all
those wonderful things we DO have to be thankful for!
Peace out.